Brick by Brick Together...

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Brick by Brick Together…
By Kendrick and Lisa Bishop

God has so much to teach us in Nehemiah 3 it’s astounding! It’s crazy that this chapter is one breezed on by so often, thinking it is just about minute details of building the wall in Jerusalem a long time ago and it lacks any deeper application to us today. At least that is an oversight that could be made.  We can gain so much from what God has to say about leadership and caring for tasks He has given us in this chapter!

Let’s jump right in to some of the symbolism...Holy Spirit grant understanding and knowledge as we devote this to you now.

First, there are those listed rebuilding the wall right in front of their homes. Certainly, this could be a reminder for everyone to prioritize the care of the matters in their own homes? Take time to seek God and ask Him to reveal any areas needing more attention. Ask Him for His grace and forgiveness in areas that have been neglected, just as Nehemiah asked forgiveness for his sins and those of his father’s in earlier chapters.

Secondly, look at the names of those who made improvements in front of their homes:
· Nehemiah 3:10 mentions Jedaiah, and his name means He who calls unto God. Our homes must be places of prayer, where the family calls unto God.
· Nehemiah 3:23 mentions Benjamin, and his name means Son of my right hand, speaking of a protector. Our homes must be places of protection and peace.
· Nehemiah 3:29 mentions Zadok, and his name means Justice. Our homes must be places of justice and integrity, especially with integrity regarding our marital vows and promises.

· Nehemiah 3:30 mentions Meshullam, and his name means Devoted. Our homes must be places of devotion and separation to God.
We ask that each of our homes be places of prayer, protection, peace, justice, integrity, devotion and separation to God in the mighty name of Jesus. Give us strength in Your Spirit, wisdom, and mercy to make changes that are lasting for Your glory. And thank you for building us up like the wall, brick by brick, to be more like Jesus every day.
God thank you for Your Word that is truth. Thank You Jesus for making it possible to know the Father through Your amazing sacrifice. Thank You Holy Spirit for being in us, counseling us, and always interceding for us.


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