
12 Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God.
13 But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today," that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. - Hebrews 3:12-13

To each his own, right? I mean aren't we supposed to just mind our own business, and let people make their own decisions? After all, they are adults, and can do what they want.

That individualistic view may be true of society in general, or of people that we aren't close with, but what about in the church? One of the values at The Well is family. That means covenant family. Family that is built on promise, not blood...well, actually...

We are a family that God himself knit together to be on mission together and disciple one another. I love my family. I love my kids. I love my wife and my brother and my parents, and Bridget's family. If I see that one of them is making some really bad decisions, I'm not gonna mind my own business...THAT is not loving. It's not loving to let your family drive their car off a cliff because thwy made some wrong turns along the way. The problem is if we wait to say something until they're 10 feet from the cliff, it's likely too late. Sin is a slippery slope. Like a pastor I listen to days, "You don't just wake up one morning and say, "Today's the day. I'm gonna do some black tar heroin." It's a slope folks. And it's slippery.

You gotta butt-in. And earlier. The passage says to exhort one another daily so we don't slip into sin and disobedience. This is telling us, The Well Church, to be such a part of each other's lives that we can see the slippage in each other and that it will be common place to lovingly correct each other. That's what it means to be part of a church. If we come on Sunday's, go to MC midweek, and say nothing when a brother or sister is slipping because it's "uncomfortable", what are we doing? We might as well be pushing them down the slope ourself. Like we have said, people are dying and we have the living water, it's time to pour it out. That may be towards each other as well as our community.

So here's permission. Get involved in each other's lives. Keeping to yourself isn't doing anybody any favors. Butt-in.

- Charlie


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