For Your Consideration...

1 Therefore, holy brothers, you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession,

One of Bridget's favorite things is to listen to me talk about sports. She just can't get enough. Ok. That might be a slight exaggeration. I could probably talk about sports all day. I think about sports A LOT. As I'm writing this, I'm listening to sports talk radio. Can you believe Messi is quitting the Argentina national team at age 29?! Crazy.

The way chapter 3 of Hebrews starts is an urge to consider Jesus. It's not like, "hey, when you get a chance, think about Jesus. He's cool, too." The author is urging us to re-orient our minds and put our effort into thinking about Jesus. He is worthy of all of our thought, and none of our thoughts could ever unpack His greatness. We could never think about Him enough.

The blessing that I give my children...most days... Reads pretty much exactly like this: And he answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." - Luke 10:27

I can quickly write that off and just say, yeah, your whole life should be devoted to Jesus, and it would be absolutely true. But what does it mean to love Jesus with your mind? I think it means this...don't look to numb your mind with a bunch of things that keep us from engaging our intellect. We are made to not just feel Jesus in our heart, stand boldly for Him in our strength, and recognize that He has saved our souls. All of those are important. Oh my gosh...they are incredibly important, but also we are to dig deep into all things Jesus in our minds.

That can look like a lot of things. Read a book. Listen to a podcast. Have a deep conversation with a friend about how Jesus is fully human and fully God...that should keep you busy for the next lifetime. The totality of Jesus can be "considered" or thought about forever and the surface will just be getting scratched. And He's so worthy of your consideration, church.

Love you all.

- Charlie


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