He Wants It That Way

And again, when he brings the firstborn into the world, he says, "Let all God's angels worship him."  - Hebrews 1:6

I remember it clearly. It was for my birthday. On July 1, 2011, Bridget and I went to dinner in LA, and walked over to Staples Center. I had no idea what was about to occur, but we walked into one of the most fanatical things I've ever experienced. You guessed it, the NKOTBSB concert. If you don't know what that is, well, it stands for New Kids On The Block BackStreet Boys...see what they did with the first "B" there? Boy bands are so clever these days.

Ladies outnumbered men at least 7 to 1, probably more like 20 to 1, and by the way they were acting you would think Oprah just said, "You're getting a car! You're getting a car! You're getting a car!" on one of her favorite things episodes. Grown women screaming, crying, fainting, throwing their underwear at these men who used to be boys that they had crushes on. It was full on worship.

Funny thing about worship is we crave it. We have to be worshiping something. I always said if we could get people to worship Jesus like they worship their favorite band...er, boy band, we would have full on revival. Why don't we worship Jesus like that?

Look at the text. It says when Jesus came into the world, all...ALL...all of God's angels worshiped Him. This was not some sort of star struck worship, but a praise of their King! They were praising the creator and purifier of humanity. They sing songs to Him and shout His truth to Him over and over. They sing His song to Him.

So, I ask you. What do you worship? Can you identify with the angels that worship Jesus? Do you really worship Him when you sing? He wants your worship. He Wants It That Way. (Yes, I just did that.)

Ok. Here's your challenge. Put on a worship song, roll up your windows and sing it to Jesus. Worship Him. Give Him your life today through song. Then, once you're all tuned up, roll your windows down and sing it again. I'm going to sing Good Good Father by Chris Tomlin. What are you gonna sing?

- Charlie


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