
The cross means to me that God expects my best and commitment. However, ultimately it's not anything I do, but everything He did that covers my sin and ensures my salvation.  

When you think about it, It's amazing that God used the cross to pay our ransom. The cross can be seen everywhere. Just look around the room, surely you can find something that looks like the cross.  For me at this moment, it's the drawers on my dresser.  Some keys on my keyboard make a cross.  When I played volleyball, my sister would tell me to see the net, and look at the crosses whenever I would get competitively frustrated.  That tip still helps me to this day when I play volleyball.

We live to follow Jesus in obedience and live life abundantly, but in our daily hustle and bustle, it can be easy to forget why we live. My encouragement to you is simple.  Think about what the Cross means to you, and to look for the cross all around you.  

For this weekend I propose a little game.  Pick a verse that you want to memorize. For me, I'm going to go with  1 Corinthians 1:18.

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God

Thoughout the day or weekend, keep your eye out for crosses (i.e. a cross at a church or a rail road crossing)  Every time you see one, recite the verse you chose.  If you feel like you're constantly seeing the Cross, well... that's kind of the idea :)   Be blessed this weekend, and let the crosses around you remind you of what He did for you.

- Zane


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