Jesus Undercover

“For surely it is not angels that he helps, but he helps the offspring of Abraham. 17Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.” -Hebrews 2:16-17

First of all, thank you Charlie for sharing that Hebrews Video.  It helps give the book of Hebrews a little more clarity. Namely, in chapter 2 how and why Jesus is compared with Angels. Angels were held in high regard by the Jews, and the point had to be made that Jesus is greater than the angels.

What I find so fascinating about this chapter is thinking about how Jesus is at the top.  Humans are at the bottom. And then there are the angels, whom the Jews believe to be the messengers of God.   Going back to verse 9, the author says we see Jesus becoming lower than the angels and that he tasted death for everyone.  

So Jesus became just like us, to face the same trials, temptations and tribulations as us.  Why?  V. 17 says he became like us to become a merciful and faithful high priest.  Jesus needed and wanted to demonstrate his love by going through what we go through.  Warning: My own terrible illustration ahead.  There’s a show called Undercover Boss where a boss becomes a Joe Schmoe to experience what his employees experience.  It’s when the Boss becomes a Joe Schmoe that the boss gets a better idea of what their employees do. Note the Boss is usually a jerk and deserves to be humbled.  Jesus is not like an undercover boss except for becoming like us.

The big difference is this. Jesus desired to be like us, be perfect unlike us, and suffer instead of us.

He became like you and me to become the ultimate sacrifice. For the PROPITIATION of our sins.  What’s so convicting about this is how I can look at these verses and not fall on my face in gratitude.  As I write this devotion and look at my life, I think what a scumbag I am…  How many times have I woken up, gone to work grumpy and not have any intention of sharing the Gospel.   While Jesus humbled himself to the point of death for me, most days I’m too prideful to present the Gospel or even look for opportunities.  

My prayer for myself, and for our church is to really grasp Jesus’ love and sacrifice.

Prayer:  Father, sometimes I focus on the salvation, and I lose sight of the cost. I forget what you went through, for me.  I forget what you went through for my co-worker who doesn’t know you yet. I forget what you went through, when I choose to sin rather than choose to repent.  

When we fail to appreciate the joy of salvation and the propitiation of our sins, remind us of what you went through.  Let us never forget how you humbled yourself to go through what we go through.

- Zane


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