You're Rich!!

Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation? - Hebrews 1:14

Inheritances are often messy, aren't they? I, personally, have never received an inheritance, but I have witnessed numerous families crumble for the sake of a "fair" inheritance.  It is so common, and to a certain degree it is understandable; when possessions and money are involved, things tend to get messy.  If you haven't been through something like this yourself, it's pretty likely you know someone who has experienced family strife over a parent or grandparents will, or inheritance. One brother borrowed money and never paid it back, so they deserve less. One sister only came around toward the end so she could convince her mom to give her a bigger portion of the will. The youngest brother is a screw up and will blow the money on drugs and alcohol, so he certainly doesn't deserve it, right? 

In the world, people fight for their "rightful" inheritance. Relationships can become broken because people feel they deserve something they didn't fully receive, or they feel another person received too much. It's no joke. People go to great lengths to steal inheritances, to manipulate others to get what they want, and they stand firm for what they believe is rightfully theirs. 

This verse tells us that our salvation is an inheritance! Have you ever thought about your salvation that way? I mean, if you inherited $200,000 it would be a BIG DEAL, right?? It would likely change your life. You would do things differently, and you would sit down and figure out what you were going to do with it. Wouldn't you feel grateful? But unworthy. Humbled, yet empowered. Why don't we treat our eternal inheritance this way?? 

Today I challenge myself and all of you to view your salvation as inheritance. Jesus passed down his righteousness to you, and therefore you have eternal life. So what will you do with this inheritance? How will you spend it? How will you cherish it? How will you share it? How does it change the life of your family? What freedom from debts and bondage will you experience because of it.

Are you grateful for the unimaginable, unearned, unexpected, undeserved inheritance the Lord our God passed down to you? Nothing on this earth can compare to it!! No house, car, land, money, or family heirloom can compare to an eternity with the only perfect creator! Nobody can take this inheritance from you, in fact it's yours to spread and be generous with... 

Take time to think about what you will do with your salvation. 

- Bridget


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