Speaking is Loving

Today, our devotionals are going to begin a deep dive into Hebrews. As we dig into Hebrews during the summer at church, we thought it would be good to line up the devos accordingly. Hebrews is a tough book to understand. It's beautifully written, but if you read it too fast, you're for sure going to miss stuff. There is a video on YouTube that I want you to watch. It's awesome. If you're reading on the app, go back to the home page, click the title of the post, then click the link below this paragraph when it opens the blog page. If you're reading from the blog page or the website just click the link to watch the video. Watch it before you keep reading. Go ahead. I will wait.

Hebrews Video

Ok. Welcome back. You are officially a bit smarter about Hebrews now. If you didn't watch it because of time constraints or something, do yourself a favor and watch it when you have a few minutes. It's awesome.

I have a hard time with believing in my heart that Jesus is concerned specifically for me. I've said this before, but I have no problem believing in God on a cosmic scale, or that Jesus is an all powerful, death conquering King. That's easy for me. It gets difficult, though, when I have to face how He feels about me. In Hebrews 1, we are reminded that God does something so personal, so intimate with His people. He speaks to them.

1 Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets,
2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. - Hebrews 1:1-2

I'm a talker. I love to talk (as if you didn't know that), so to me having somebody talk to me or with me is awesome. I get in conversations with people wherever I go. I really believe it's a way to show hospitality and love to folks. So...when I read that God has spoken to us by his Son, this whole thing just gets real personal...real intimate...real. It brings this huge idea of God down to a personal level where I am sitting at a table with Jesus having a cup of coffee. Talking.

That idea is so loving to me. God speaks to us through his Son. Amazing. What does He say? Well that's what your Bible and prayer life is for. We probably all want to hear God more clearly. Let's practice something. Today, read your Bible for 5 minutes. But before you read, pray. Pray to God to speak to you through His word. Pray that He would illuminate the scriptures that He wants you to hear. And then read. If you don't know where to read, start in Hebrews. It'll blow your mind, it's so good. Pray. Read. Then thank God for his presence and His word. That's just s good way to go about reading the Bible, in general.

Now go enjoy that cup of coffee with Jesus.

Be well.

- Charlie


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