Re: Temptation

“Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.” (Hebrews 2:18) 
Hey Church. 
Re: Temptation
The feeling that your 
Insides will diminish if 
You don’t cheat Gods will
Main Point of the verse:
Temptation is tough. We are tempted all day everyday. As you are reading this you might be tempted. You might have been struggling with temptation last night. Temptation is a compulsory feeling. It feels like if you do not give in you will somehow drown in the sea of your own unfulfilled desires.
Nothing makes you feel more childish than giving in to sin, right? Afterwards, you cannot believe you couldn’t resist the temptation (again). John Maxwell said, “The hard part about giving into temptation (sin) is that it makes it easier the next time to give in.” There are feelings of guilt and self persecution associated with giving into temptation. Many times we are scarred that if we do things the right way, God's way, that we won’t get what we want. That is what it boils down to, not trusting who God is and what he says about his provision for us. We have a hard time trusting that what God wants for us is actually better, both in quantity and timing, than what we want for ourselves. 
The truth though is that there is joy in the restraint. There is tremendous freedom in not getting what you want, when you want it. There is release in letting God lead your life and dictate your steps. You will feel repressed. You will feel pangs of loss and an itching desire to give in. But, if you can trust the Holy Spirit to help you avoid temptation you will feel like you were drowning and were pulled up for air. 
Let's be practical. These figurative words will not help you in the clenches of your temptation. No one has ever overcame temptation on the promise of inevitable peace. So for me what helps is scripture. I have verses that I turn to when I’m struggling with temptation.  The verse above in Hebrews 2  lets us know that Jesus can relate to what we are going through. We tend to think our temptation is unique when other brothers and sisters are constantly going through the same thing. 
I literally repeat one of these verse (or multiple verses) when I am in the midst of turmoil. This is a technique I learned from Jesus. When tempted by the Enemy in the wilderness he used scripture to refute the Devil’s nefarious claims. 
One of the most influential notions I ever heard about temptation, is that we need to, “flee.” 
So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.” (2 Timothy 2:22)
A mentor of mine told me when he was dating his wife the temptation to “hook up” was so strong that at times he would have to run away from her. One time he said he got out of the car and ran down PCH to get away from temptation. Another time he was at her house and literally ran out her parents front door. I thought this was crazy until I was engaged and found myself running out of my own apartment one time when temptation was becoming too much.
So, first thing you can do is flee. 
Second, I’ve always found strength in knowing that there is always a space where God will give us a chance to make the right decision. The verse below has two good bits of wisdom, one, God won’t tempt you past your ability to resist  and two, there is always a way out. 
“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13) 
Ask God to change your desire for what tempts you. Ask God to make it so you don’t even want whatever tempts you anymore. Ask God to help you remember his word when tempted. Lastly, ask God to remind you that His plan and timing are better than yours. 
Sidenote: If you need further help please reach out to church leadership. If you find yourself continually giving in to the same temptation remember that the church has your back and that others are going through the same thing. We won’t judge you and can offer some accountability that might help you overcome your struggles.
Antonio Cortez Appling


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