One image

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1 ESV)

The 4th of July has always been my favorite holiday. Something about the hot dogs, warm summer nights, americana, parades, and fireworks just evoke such strong emotions within me. I remember going to my great grandpa's farm when I was little for Independence Day. It's where I learned to catch fireflies, and the first time I shot off fireworks. Of all the things that can bring me back to that day, it's the fireworks that really do it. I'm a sucker for fireworks. Even fireworks that aren't that good. Like, I could play with sparklers all day. My neighborhood goes bonkers on Independence Day, and while some people think that's frustrating, I love it. The more fireworks the better. The louder, the better. It's one image that really brings me back.

One image. One image represents freedom more than that though. One image represents change, freedom, faith, peace, history, Jesus, salvation, kindness, compassion, truth, and provides the "t" in many church logos. The cross. The cross that we look to in remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice for us is the most important image in the history of the world.
However, 2,000 years ago it was nothing but a couple pieces of wood put together and used for torture, or to carry out capital punishment. In the matter of 3 days, 2 pieces of wood that make a lowercase "t" became the most important symbol in the history of humanity.

It was on the cross that Jesus took our punishment to set us free. He set us free from constantly trying to work our way to God's salvation. We no longer need to make sacrifices to please God. He is pleased by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. We no longer need to hide from God because of fear. Jesus took our punishment. We no longer need to worry about being alone. God has forsaken Jesus, so He's always there for you. We no longer have to live under the bondage of sin. Jesus conquered sin on the cross. We are no longer imprisoned. He has set us free.

Today, when you see a cross, thank Jesus for his sacrifice. Thank him that he experienced such torment so that we wouldn't have to. You have given your life to him. Why not give your day to him? He has set you free. 

- Charlie


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