Hope For Freedom

You know that thing? Like, that ONE thing you just cannot seem to stop.  Your vice. Your struggle. Your vicious cycle. Your addiction. Your weakness. Your "deep dark secret". The "thorn in your side". 

For many of us, including me, this isn't just one thing. You probably have multiple things that you struggle with over and over. Parts of you that you would love to change, but you just can't seem to shake them. These are the areas in my life where I find the most comfort in the cross. For me, the parts of me that cause me the most pain, shame, sadness, or stress are the areas where Christ and His sacrifice become real and more than just a story. 

Knowing that Romans 5:8 says "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" I feel Christ's sacrifice becomes personal. To me, that scripture is saying... "While you are struggling with your deepest darkest heart sins, Jesus took the fall for you". Jesus knows your junk. Not only does he know it, he took it on himself as his junk, at the cross. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." Did you catch that?  He who knew no sin- Jesus, was made TO BE SIN. Jesus became your sin! He doesn't just know your junk, he BECAME your junk. He was your lust. He was your insecurity. He was your greed. He was your obsession. He was your impure sexual sins and desires. He was your pride. Got it? 

So here is where hope and freedom come in to the picture. Jesus made the worlds worst deal and we reap the benefit of it. In exchange for your junk, he gave you His righteousness.  So now you are righteous IN HIM, and he took the consequences for your deep,dark, perpetual heart sin. But you say... Why do I still struggle with it then?? Because you are still alive in a fallen world. While Jesus did conquer sin and death with his resurrection, we are still living in a world waiting for the second coming. You can find some freedom in this world though Jesus' saving grace, but our time for perfection has not yet come. 

HOPE. Here is your hope! Jesus made an ETERNAL EXCHANGE FOR YOUR SIN. You will be free from your junk for eternity once you leave this sinful world. For now your job is to seek Christ and rely on His saving grace to carry you through your struggles. To allow your spiritual Father to prune you and prep you for your eternal life. Live your life daily in the Hope and Freedom that comes from Christ taking your eternal sacrifice. 

The cross offers an entirely new perspective on life, death, sin, struggle, etc. Seek Christ daily, and in doing that, let go of as much of your junk as you can. Allow Him to prepare you for your actual life. Your eternal life. Which was only available to you because he chose to become your sin and made you His righteousness.

You have hope for an eternity where you can offer God glory rather than junk. And you have freedom to grow into who Christ designed you to be for eternity. 

- Bridget


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