
“For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭3:4‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I just returned from transporting a 1966 Corvette to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for the 2016 Bloomington Gold. It's the biggest Corvette Show in the US. I was once again immersed in this world of car owners, builders and collectors. Walking around these events I'm always amazed at how much time, effort, and money it takes to own one of these cars. These guys all love to share stories of the journey that they have been on with their cars and the trials they endured to get where they are. 

All these cars have been built by human hands, which means that they are all flawed. Yet, these guys continue to work on their cars, trying to improve them so that when they get judged they will get higher scores. What an exhausting thing to do.

I am so thankful that "the builder of all things is God". We can't improve on that. However, just like these car nuts need to take care of their cars, if they want to do well on judgment day, we need to take good care of ourselves, if we want to hear "well done my good and faithful servant". 

These car guys have a big book giving them every detail of their car. It's up to them to read and study in order to make their car worthy in the eyes of the judges. We have an even better book. We have God's book, the Bible. It's the owners manual given to us by the "builder of all things". In it, He gives us all we need to live a life worthy of being judged on that final judgement day, and hearing those words "well done my good and faithful servant".

- Jerry


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