
1 Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. 2 For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution, 3 how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?  (‭Hebrews‬ ‭2‬:‭1-3‬ ESV)

You know the drill... This verse begins with "therefore", so that means we also need to glance at the previous verses to completely understand what's being said in this verse. The previous verses were all explaining that Jesus is not simply an angel, but above Angels. He created Angels, he created everything. He decided when things begin and when they end. He is God.

THEREFORE... It is imperative that you study about Him. Imperative that you know Him. If you don't seek Him, then you will end up compromising Him. You will "drift away" as the verse explains. The power of the world and sin is strong inside of us, and outside of us; and we literally need to battle against it to resist drifting away from the truth.  We battle by "paying close attention to who Jesus is and what He did for us.

The verse goes on to explain why it is important to pay close attention and not fall away. Everything that the Angels declared came true. All the prophecies about Christ were fulfilled. Sins and disobedience received consequences. And that is why we need to pay close attention! If we KNOW Jesus is God, but then we treat him like he is less than God, we will not escape this same consequence. You can't decide for yourself what you want Jesus to be in your life. You can't add him to all the other things your trust. You can't say "I think" Jesus would have... 

We have the Bible for a reason. We have God's word. It's our road map. If you seek Christ in prayer you will find Him. "Pay closer attention lest you drift away!" Drifting away means compromising who God is, and God will not be compromised. All sin receives judgement and we cannot escape that judgement if we "neglect such a salvation" by adding Jesus to our long list of idols and beliefs. HE IS LORD. HE IS GOD. HE IS SALVATION. HE WON'T BE COMPROMISED. 

Church: pay closer attention to what you have heard, lest you drift away" and don't "neglect such a salvation"!

- Bridget


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