Psalm 122

As I sit here reading through the psalm trying to think of something to write about, the reoccurring theme I cant get past is “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!” Over and over again as I read the Psalm and look over the commentary for it I am hit with this deep urgency to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Now I have a confession I am not the best at staying up to date with worldwide news, so I had to look to Google and see what was going on in Jerusalem.  Pleasebear with me as my brain just really isn’t working today but a brief explanation of what I found is right now (today Monday December 4) President Trump has to decide whether or not the US embassy is going to be moved to Jerusalem. There is a lot of unrest and turmoil but the one thing that stood out to me the most as I read through these articles is the word PEACE. The one thing we are all hoping for and working towards is Peace. The Psalmist knew the best way to peace and that is through PRAYER. So as we come to a close I would like to encourage you totake a few minutes and PRAY. Pray for peace over Jerusalem. Pray for our world and the leaders in it. Pray for your community. Lets become a church that is known for its prayer!

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! May they be secure who love you! Peace be within your walls and security within your towers! For my brothers and companions sake I will say, ‘Peace be within you!’ For the safe of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good.”
Psalm 122:6-9


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