1 Corinthians 7:10-11

1 Cortinthians 7:10-11 “The married I give this charge (not I, but the Lord): the wife should not separate from her husband (but if she does, she should remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband), and the husband should not divorce his wife.”
   Looking at this passage and its ramifications is something that challenges us as Christ followers in the time we live in.  Much like the previous chapter and Paul’s admonition therein to keep disputes within the family and to avoid handling disputes the way the culture around them did, he calls us higher in our marriage relationships.  
   There are specific circumstances Jesus gives as acceptable reasons for divorce.  Even when Jesus lists them he says they are a concession because of the people’s hard-heartedness. Paul goes along with Jesus and says even if there is separation because of circumstances not cited by Jesus the husband and wife should not divorce.  This is certainly countercultural and set apart from the world around us.
   The charge is to step out in bold obedience to honor the covenant of marriage in extremely difficult circumstances that may include unhappiness, conflict, poverty, addiction, or even abuse. This verse tells us that if your spouse departs you should remain unmarried and may live separate but not single. This declaration of lifestyle will honor the covenant made to the Lord and to your spouse. God will bless this act of faithfulness to His Word and trust in Him.
   Thank You Lord for your goodness to us in whatever place we are in.  Thank you for creating and blessing marriage and singleness as Paul reminds us in this chapter.  Help us to recognize your design for marriage and how it illuminates your love for us. Help us to you honor your design for marriage above our feelings and above what the culture around us says is appropriate or acceptable. Help us as the body to care for those who are in difficult situations and need your love in a tangible way. Thank you that we can always turn to and trust in you to be our all, amen.



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