Living and True

For they themselves report concerning us the kind of reception we had among you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God…-1 Thessalonians 1:9.

I had an odd conversation with a dear friend the other day. She was trying to be encouraging to me, but...well, you’ll see...

Let me pause here and explain that this friend is one of the most Christ-like people I’ve ever met who doesn’t love Jesus (yet). She is loving and selfless and an advocate for the marginalized, unwanted, and difficult ones. At the same time, she is almost daily becoming more deeply involved in eastern mysticism practices. 

Back to the other day: she sweetly and very sincerely offered to set up an altar to a fertility goddess on my behalf. And everything in me wilted and cringed at the same time. No, no, no, no, no. #facepalm
Even when we are not conscious of it (much like my friend), we are beings who want and need to worship. God programmed into us a deep desire to worship and glorify Himself. But as we all have seen, that quality has been corrupted and distorted by sin in this world. 

In Christian circles, we often talk about idolatry in terms of how we spend our time, money, and talents on things that are not honoring to God, and rightly so. But there is still literal, Old-Testament-style, golden calf idolatry. Here-far closer than I wanted to think. 

I have prayed many prayers for this friend. I have had a few conversations with her about Jesus and why He is trustworthy. But so far, gods, goddesses, and meditation practices make more sense to her than Jesus does.

I’d like to say I was able to channel this conversation into a meaningful dialogue on the living and true God. But in reality I just stared at her like an idiot and cried a little inside. I think I managed to mumble something like, “no, that’s okay.” 

Regardless of how I pretty much missed that opportunity, I refuse to cease praying for this dear one. When I read the verse above, her name leaped out at me. This is what I hope and pray for her-that she would know what it is to trust in the Living and True God instead of lifeless idols. That she would really encounter and love the Savior whom she reflects in so many ways because that’s exactly how He created her. That she would discover in Him the perfect peace and love she searches for in all these other practices. 

I don’t have some clever conclusion for this devotional. This is just a story of a conversation I had that was brought back to mind by a verse in 1 Thessalonians. I can say, however, that my heart broke all over again for this friend and that this was a startling reminder to continue praying for her, pursuing her friendship, loving her. Perhaps that is a good starting point.

- Connie Hartman


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