People of Grace and Peace

Let's face it. Monday's suck. It's the beginning of the week, the work leftover from the week before is awaiting you, and a new week's worth of work is headed your way. As we head into a new week, I'm reminded of how Paul starts off every single letter he writes.

Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace. - 1 Thessalonians 1:1

He starts by identifying himself and then moves into his greeting. In many of his letters he begins with specific things that are true of his identity in Christ. He refers to himself as set apart for God, an apostle, a servant, called, and a prisoner for Christ. In this letter to the church in Thessalonica he doesn't identify himself like that, but he does start his letter with who he is and then he moves into a blessing of grace and peace to the reader. 

I can't help but think of how much easier it would be to extend a blessing to people if we started each Monday with a reminder of our identity in Christ. Wouldn't it be cool to be a person that exudes grace and peace? Imagine if that became your reputation. Imagine if when you arrive at work, or school, or when you are at home with the kids, people began to expect grace and peace from you.

It may take a while, especially if you are as big a fan of Mondays as I am, but the more we press into our identity in Christ, the better we can get at being people of grace and peace. So here goes.

In Christ, you are: redeemed, enough, blameless, made clean, free, accepted, qualified, loved, saved, forgiven, satisfied, found, never alone, and filled with the Holy Spirit.

Live into that today. 

Charlie, a servant of Christ. Grace and peace to you this Monday. 


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