That Rest

“For whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.” (Hebrews 4:10) 

The word “rest” is used so many times in Hebrews 3 and 4.  But it is not just any rest, it’s “his rest,” “my rest,” “that rest,” “God's rest.”
God’s rest simply means resting in God.  The ESV Study Bible states three elements of this rest; #1 resting in the certainty of our eternity with God, #2 enjoying that we are established in his presence, and #3 “to share the everlasting joy that God entered when he rested on the 7th day.” (p.2367)

Man, I want that rest but I have been feeling restless all month.. and I am on summer break!  But if I look at the three elements the study bible touched upon I can reflect on these truths as I rest.  

#1 draws me back to a time where I wasn’t sure if I would end up I heaven.  The fear was gut-wrenching and kept me up at night. #1 reminds me of the moment that salvation became mine through Jesus and the gospel became alive in my soul.  In remembering my eternal salvation, I breathe a sigh of relief.  

#2 binds us to his presence.  We cannot hide from him and find rest when we enjoy his presence.  Verse 11 states “Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.  Enjoying is presence is honestly more delightful when we are in obedience to him. Rest helps us remain obedient.   And if we are not right with God, being in his presence draws us to repentance so that we may abide in Him.  

#3 The God of the universe rested.  He rested from his works.  For a busy bee like me, I am reminded that I can physically rest from my work, my chores, my to-do list.  #3 also gives us a fact to ruminate and meditate over:  What did God’s Sabbath look like?  What does he want your Sabbath rest to look like?

Will you pursue rest?  Will you pursue obedience?  Will you pursue to Holy of Holies and enjoy his presence? 

The very Jesus who was tempted as a mortal, died, resurrected and ascended loves you, is proud of you, and sees you as you already are.  

Run to him and rest!  

In Him, 


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