Transformed: Mental Health - Day 4

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will ishis good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 (NIV) 

 Real transformation starts in your mind, not your behavior. You cannot change your character simply by changing your actions. Rather, you can change your actions by changing your character, and it all begins with changing the way you think. That's why the Bible says: don't conform to the ways of the world, "but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." 

What's the difference between conforming and transforming? To conform something is to change its outward appearance by fitting it into a mold. To transform something is to change its nature. Conforming has to do with behavior. Transforming has to do with character. The Bible is telling us to stop trying to fit in with the ways of the world, but instead allow God to transform our character into the character of Christ.

 Notice that conforming is something you do to yourself. You consciously try to fit in, or become like everyone else, but transforming is something that God does to you. It is God's work in your life, renewing your mind by his grace, through his word.

God doesn't want to change what you think, he wants to change how you thinkyour way of thinking. The Bible says, "Be made new in the attitude of your mind" (Ephesians 4:23 NIV). 

Then, look at the result of the transformed mind. God promises that you will be able to discover his will for your life. Not only will you discover his will, but you will find that it is good, pleasing, and perfecttailor made for you. 

Next Steps. Write down your answers to these questions. 

65. What did you hear?
66. What do you think?
67. What will you do?
68. Now talk to God...

Work Cited
Warren, R. (2014). Daily devotions: Transformed: How God Changes Us. Rancho Santa Margarita, CA: Saddleback Church.


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