2 Corinthians 9

This should be such an exciting passage to us as believers!  Paul writes to the Corinthian church in this passage to encourage them in their giving to the church in Jerusalem.  There is some of Paul’s characteristic sarcasm or tongue in cheek throughout the beginning of this passage. He commends the church on their exceptional giving and how other churches in the area are inspired by their giving.  In actuality if they were doing this so well Paul would not have written so much to them about their giving throughout his letters to the Corinthian church.
However, when Paul begins to describe why we ought to give and the many blessings following our giving we are to be encouraged to give with an expectant and cheerful heart.  This passage is one referenced often when we speak of giving in church on Sunday mornings. Paul tells the Corinthian church God loves a cheerful giver. Someone who does not give out of a sense of obligation or begrudgingly. Why is this?  This is how God gives to us, He gives without holding anything back from us! He does not give in a manner that is begrudging and cold. He has so much for us as His children, how exciting is it to hear as Paul says in verse 8 “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.” God is ready and willing to make the way for us in good works bringing Him glory.
Another important truth Paul touches on in this passage is those who sow little reap little.  Certainly financial giving is something important, but we should not overlook our spiritual giving. How we sow into the lives of those who God has placed close to us and the opportunities presented to us to be a blessing to others are equally important.  If we simply keep seed in our hand we will have lots of seed come harvest time, but if we release the seeds and allow God to work with the small offerings we are able to give we will see a bountiful harvest! Let us be quick to give and our generosity be an example and inspiration to those around us. In Jesus name I pray amen.


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