God Listens

God Listens
I love the Lord, because he has heard
    my voice and my pleas for mercy.
Because he inclined his ear to me,
    therefore I will call on him as long as I live.
Psalm 116:1-2
Do you ever felt like you are not being heard?  Do you ever feel like what you have to say does not matter?  It can be extremely difficult.  But the reality is that God is always listening even when nobody else is.  
Whether you are having a bad day at work, need money to make rent, or are dealing with a life-threatening issue, God hears us and is there for us.  If you think about it, it truly is amazing.  The Creator of the universe, the very being that holds it together, listens to what you have to say; no matter how mundane you think it may be.  When writing about these verses, Charles Spurgeon stated, “When our prayer is very feeble, so that we ourselves can scarcely hear it, and question whether we do pray or not, yet God bows a listening ear, and regards our supplications.”  
God wants to hear from you.  He is the perfect Father.  He is never too busy. He will never put you down for how you feel.  Psalm 4:3 states, “But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself; the Lord hears when I call to him.”  Realize that you are a child of God.  Understand that you are an heir of the Kingdom (Rom. 8:17).  When you are frustrated, feel like you do not matter, like what you have to say is not important; remember that the God, the most powerful being ever, wants to have a relationship with you.  In comparison, nothing else comes close to that.


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