Psalm 112

“Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments!” (V.1)

This verse in-particular stood out to me because the psalmist is proclaiming the blessing that come to one who fears the Lord. Whenever I read about ‘the fear of the Lord’ in scripture I often stop and wonder do I fear the Lord..? I question what does the fear of the Lord look like? It is easy to think about fear negatively because as humans fear isn’t something we particularly like. When we fear something we try to avoid it and stay away from it at all costs (ie. spiders, clowns, cockroaches.) Fear can often feel like a trap, that you will never escape. But here we are being told that fearing the Lord brings blessings in so many aspects of life, it’s a very positive thing. It’s something that makes us want to draw in closer to Him and seek the good shelter He provides.

“ he is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.” (V.7)

I don’t know about you but I have a REALLY hard time wrapping my head around all of this. How do I fear something but at the same time be so drawn to it? My brain just has no idea how to process this, but i have a deep longing in my heart to understand it! There is freedom in fear! If you fear the Lord...... wwhhhhaaaaatttttt!!!? brain explosion.

So I would encourage you take a minute and read this psalm and meditate on it a minute. Ask God if you have a proper fear of the Lord. Ask Him to teach you what this looks like.
 If this is something you totally understand and can say yes Lord I fear you, then I would encourage you to thank the Lord and praise Him for His fear! I would also encourage you to pray for those in your community that they may know what it means to fear the Lord.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have good understanding. His praise endures forever”
Psalm 111:10


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