Psalm 27

I am certain that I will see the Lord’s goodness
in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong, and let your heart be courageous.
Wait for the Lord.
Psalm 27:13-14

These verses were such an encouragement to me during a very difficult season a few years ago (2013-14, to be exact, as the note in my Bible reminds me). So much so, that I have a leather bracelet with these verses engraved into it. Every time I wear it, it’s a reminder that God brought us through that time and will always bring us through hard seasons. The way in which he leads us through them will probably never look the way I envision it, but His way has always been better.

I skimmed through a few commentaries on this chapter and these two little ending verses, and it seemed like the general consensus was that while “the land of the living” probably most likely refers to eternity with God, it also has relevance to this life. Let me tell you, the “land” I need the most encouragement for is this one. I know that in eternity, I will see God’s goodness. That’s not even a question.

The place it’s harder to recognize His goodness sometimes is here. Hard seasons and circumstances can make it difficult to trust that He is good, that He sees and hears us, that He has a plan for our lives that no amount of our control issues or sin can derail. He will show us His goodness--here, now. He will. He has. “I am certain.”

“Wait for the Lord…” In the past, that felt like a very passive instruction, like I didn’t need to do anything-God would just take care of it. And in some cases, that’s true. There are times God calls us to be still and let Him fight for us. But there’s also an active part of waiting. For me it means intentionally choosing to trust God, his plan, and his timing, while battling back the flesh part of me that wants to take control or just give up. “Be strong” sometimes means refusing to give in to the hopelessness or defeat that so badly wants to take over.

And the “courageous” part...for me that’s meant being willing to keep hoping, even when the situation you’re hoping for seems bleak. It’s scary to keep hoping, or “get your hopes up,” when you feel like you’ve been disappointed so many times. It takes guts to give up control of something and actively choose to put our hope in God instead. To choose His plan, even though we may have no idea what it looks like.

Church, whatever you’re waiting for, whatever season you’re going through, I pray these verses over you. Actively wait, hope, choose strength, and be encouraged. “But I really believe that I will see the Lord’s goodness before I die. Wait for the Lord’s help. Be strong and brave, and wait for the Lord’s help” (ERV).




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