Transformed: Vocational Health - Day 4

For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walked with integrity. Proverbs 2:6-7 (NLT)

Some people are good with words, but God is better. He can do much more with words than any man. He created the world by speaking it into being. You exist because he spoke.

Since the Bible is Gods Word, a verse from the Bible is much more powerful than a wishful line inside a fortune cookie. A verse is what God says, recorded in ink. When we read it, the Holy Spirit makes it alive in us. He said it, you receive it.

Todays verse is just four lines long, but each line is powerful:

The first line describes the gift God gives. He gives wisdom. He granted. Now thats a grant you want to apply for. We all want wisdom, especially in the workplace.

The second one tells you where wisdom comes from: its his words. Everything he says is wise. He is the wisest person in the universe. Listening to him makes you wise.

The third line uncovers the mystery of who receives wisdom. Its those who are honest. In fact, he gives them a treasury of common sense. Have you noticed that common sense isnt very common?

The fourth line tells you who keeps this wisdom. After all, you dont want to lose it. In one sentence, he tells you that he protects you and your wisdom when you walk in integrity.

So God has wisdom. He is the source. He gives it to the honest. He protected in those with integrity. There you have it, formula to finding, gaining and keeping wisdom.

Next Steps. Write down your answers to these questions. 

180. What did you hear?
181. What do you think?
182. What will you do?
183. Now talk to God...

Work Cited
Warren, R. (2014). Daily devotions: Transformed: How God Changes Us. Rancho Santa Margarita, CA: Saddleback Church.


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