Transformed: Vocational Health - Day 5

Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. Proverbs 15:22 (NIV) 

This truth applies to your personal life and your work life. Like most people, there are probably some things youre good at, and some things that you need to improve on. Also like most people, youre probably more keenly aware of the weaknesses in your life then you are of the strengths you have. Thats why so many New Years resolutions are made every December 31. We want to improve.

But how? 

There are two main ways we can sharpen our skills and shore up our weaknesses. Theres a hard way, and an easy way. The hardware is by trial and error. This is the painful way that makes us feel like we have to learn everything by experience. We have to make all the mistakes. We feel the need to do it all on our own.

The easy way is to learn from other people. We learn from their mistakes, and we listen to their advice. Who do you have in your life to turn to for council? Look around your small group, look for people you admire, people who love Jesus and who can help you. This way requires that you ask for help, and you seek many advisers.” Having people come alongside you and offer help and counsel means that you dont have to carry the burden on your own. You have the shared wisdom of many people to help you solve problems and reach your goals.

As you think about your challenges, or your weaknesses, or the areas youd like to improve, ask yourself, am I trying to do it all on my own?” If the answer is yes, take a few minutes to write down the names of a few people you can ask for wise counsel. Then, pick up the phone and call them. Youll be one step closer to success.

Next Steps. Write down your answers to these questions. 

184. What did you hear?
185. What do you think?
186. What will you do?
187. Now talk to God...

Work Cited
Warren, R. (2014). Daily devotions: Transformed: How God Changes Us. Rancho Santa Margarita, CA: Saddleback Church.


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