Transformed: Emotional Health - Day 4

The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. Deuteronomy 33:27 (NIV) 

Most of us like a hug when we are feeling down. The problem is, there's not always someone there to give us one when we need it. We know this for sure: there will be tough times. There will be circumstances beyond your control, and crisis that comes out of nowhere. The pain will seem greater than you can bear. It's then, when things look impossible, that you must remember to run to your Heavenly Father. He will be there. He is always there.

God sees your pain. He hears your cries. He counts every tear you shed. He stands ready to help. You just need to come to him. He is your shelter in the storm. His everlasting arms are strong and waiting to embrace you. In them, you will find peace, protection, and strength. And when you allow him to hold you close, to wrap his arms around you, he will be with you until the storm passes and joy comes in the morning.
 It's hard to imagine that God who created the universe wants to be there for you, but he does. His greatest desire is to draw you close to him. This is why he created you. So when you are feeling like no one cares, and your thoughts lead you to a pit of despair, call on the Lord to pull you out. His lovingkindness never fails. He wants nothing more than to give you that hug you need.

Next Steps. Write down your answers to these questions. 
 What did you hear?
What do you think?
What will you do?
Now talk to God...

Work Cited
Warren, R. (2014). Daily devotions: Transformed: How God Changes Us. Rancho Santa Margarita, CA: Saddleback Church.


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