Transformed: Relational Health - Day 3

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9 (NIV) 

What does it mean to be blessed? The word for blessing in the Greek is makarios,” which can more literally be translated happy.“ So, Jesus tells us, happy are the peacemakers.“ He does not say, Happy are the peace lovers.” Everybody loves peace. Nor does he say, Happy is the peaceable,” those who never get disturbed by anything. Rather, he tells us happy“ are those who make peace— Who actively seek to resolve conflict.

What kind of happiness are we talking about here? Does Jesus mean that all the circumstances of our lives will work out the way we want them to? No, thats not the point. Jesus does not mean that we will always feel“ happy based on our current life circumstances, but rather that we are in a position of happiness because we have relationship with God. To be happy is to be at peace with God.

God is a peacemaker. In fact, he is The Peacemaker. Through the cross of Jesus Christ, God made peace with us who warred with him in our sin. We were once enemies of God and now we are called children of God  (Colossians 1:21). We must delight in the peace we have with The Peacemaker. It is the peace found deep within our souls, a peace that surpasses human understanding. To be at peace with God means we have been reconciled to right relationship with him.
God calls us to follow his lead. He calls us to share the very peace we have found in him with the rest of the world. He wants us to be known as peacemakers. He wants us to reflect his redeeming and reconciling love to the world around us. For only his children truly know what real peace, ultimate peace, life-giving peace, is all about. In a world of conflict, strife, and revenge we can be a profound witness of The Peacemaker by being peacemakers ourself.

Next Steps. Write down your answers to these questions. 

120. What did you hear?
121. What do you think?
122. What will you do?
123. Now talk to God...

Work Cited
Warren, R. (2014). Daily devotions: Transformed: How God Changes Us. Rancho Santa Margarita, CA: Saddleback Church.


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