Transformed : Relational Health - Day 1

Jesus’ invitation to remain in him is at the very heart of his gospel. As a branch depends upon a vine to bear fruit, so likewise we must depend upon Jesus to bear fruit in our lives.

It is only by abiding in relational intimacy with Jesus that we can hope to bear the fruit of the Spirit in our relationships with others.

Jesus emphatically makes this point when he says, If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” Notice the strong language. If we abide in loving relationship with him we will produce a little fruit? No, we will produce much fruit.“ We will flourish. On the other hand, if we do not abide in him we can still do something? No, we can do nothing.“ In fact, in the Greek this sentence is a double negative and so it really can read, you can do nothing, really nothing.“ Jesus wants to make sure we get his point loud and clear.

The only way to bear fruit is to abide in relationship with Jesus. If we want to be the kind of people who love, who are patient, who are kind, who are gentle, who are self-controlled, (Galatians 5:22-23) we must remain in him. Bearing fruit is not a result of our resolve or determination. It is a result of abiding in a dependent relationship with Jesus by the Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is just that, the fruit of the Spirit. It is a result of Gods transforming power, not our willpower. It is produced by the Holy Spirit who now makes our heart he is home.

Next Steps. Write down your answers to these questions. 

112. What did you hear?
113. What do you think?
114. What will you do?
115. Now talk to God...

Work Cited
Warren, R. (2014). Daily devotions: Transformed: How God Changes Us. Rancho Santa Margarita, CA: Saddleback Church.


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