Face Your Fears

Proverbs 28:13

"He who conceals his sins does not
but whoever confesses and renounces
them finds mercy."

I like to play music and when I first started learning how to play guitar, I had borrowed one of my good friends acoustic guitar to work on basic chords and find out what I could play along to on the radio. This wasn't just any acoustic guitar to the girl that I borrowed it from. She had been playing guitar for a long time, and the guitar that I was using was her treasured first acoustic guitar that she learned on. One day, as I was playing that relic of a guitar, my younger brother was on a mission to get under my skin and I ended up slamming the guitar down on my bed and breaking the neck away from the body of the guitar......not good! I dreaded the thought of having to tell the person who I borrowed it from what happened, but when I eventually did she showed me the upmost mercy through the situation and my stress and worry was lifted.

When we sin against God due to our actions, it is good when we feel bad or guilty as this should be a prompt to confess. We can all agree that to live with that sin feels pretty terrible (like guitar breaking terrible). When we come to the Lord with our sins and confess, not only do we find mercy through Him, but our relationship with him grows as well as we are called to surrender all to Jesus.

Pray this week that you can find rest in the mercy that God is offering you through the forgiveness of the sins that you have yet to bring to the table.

Blessings to you all this week.



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