Here's A Bible Passage I'd Like To Share With You

“Do not say, "I will repay evil"; wait for the Lord, and he will deliver you.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭20:22‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Anybody besides me ever struggle with this one. How about when somebody does you wrong and your instincts are to get back at them...make them pay...seems only fair right??
This is a lesson that we teach our kids starting at a very young age. When they have a rival kid take something they have or want, boy they can inflict serious paybacks. As parents we often say " it ok, just let it go and move on" ...the delivery lessons are already starting.
I'm reminded of a very painful time in my life...I think I was in my 20's when I got a phone call from my dad telling me that someone had robbed the Greyhound bus depot that my aunt owned and before the guy left, he shot her in the back and murdered her for $20.
This persons act of violence stirred up anger and hatred inside me in a big way that festered for some time. I really wished that the law enforcement people who were chasing him would just kill him and get even, pay him back for the evil he did that caused me and my family great pain. Man did I have it wrong. It took time but I finally realized what I wanted was killing me slowly from the inside. I realized that what I needed was a heart transformation that include forgiveness and waiting for the Lord. As I waited, God softened my heart and I started praying for the man who killed my aunt. I prayed he would feel the love of God and realize that Jesus died for his sins the same as mine. I don't what ever happened to that man but I know what happened to me...I was delivered from the weight of hatred and vengeance.
In this day of instant everything, waiting on the Lord hasn't gotten any easier but I promise you that if you do, you won't be disappointed. You will be delivered!


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