Who's That Lady?

Proverbs 31. 

We have hit the end guys! We just finished a book of wisdom that applies to everyone in all seasons of life. In proverbs 31, a non-Israelite king, King Lemuel, shares the words of wisdom from his mother.  

It is here that we get to read all about "the proverbs 31 woman!"  If you are unfamiliar with these verses, please read the entire chapter before continuing or else my jealous sarcasm won't make any sense.  (Wait someone let's this girl write devos?? Yup and I promise it ends with sincerity.)

Did you have to reread it?  What did you think?  Proverbs 31 is like the ancient super wonder woman!  She makes wakes up early, cooks, sells and makes stuff, grows stuff, opens her hands to the poor, and verse 17 pretty much states she has ripped arms and dresses nicely. Verse 25 makes me think she also had the perfect laugh! What a gal!

What a ... not me. What an opposite of me. Sigh. I know this is my flesh talking, but reading this chapter usually leaves me feeling inadequate in all of my roles. Even my garden just has cacti while hers actually has fruit. 

Maybe I'm the only one who reacts like this but can you relate a little?

Remember, Proverbs are for all individuals in all stages of life. So whether you're single or married, male or a female, parent or not, proverbs 31 is for all of us.  

Of course, this chapter is not meant for us to feel inadequate but to strive for that one thing!  It's what empowered the Proverbs 31 woman to do all she did with excellence. 

What was that one thing?

If you look at the very title of the section you will find the answer to what makes the proverbs 31 woman so amazing.  It is also found in Proverbs 31:30: 

"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

She didn't care about the attention or the praise. Above everything, she feared the Lord. 

She had reverence and awe for Him. She kept a moral mindset and humbled herself before her God. She must have inspired others not by being perfect but by how she dealt with her imperfections.  

Matthew 22:37 quotes what Jesus called the Great and First commandment

"And he said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."

As we close Proverbs, let us pray that we too fear the Lord!  Fear that makes us move and shake and love and strive. Fear that puts us in our place and keep our eyes on the Holy of Holies. Fear that scares us about complacency and not pleasing our maker. Fear that makes us sit in wonder of how beautiful and mysterious our Lord is. 

Let us pray that we exalt him this season and honor him with our hearts, souls and mind!  

In Him,



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