Never Give Up, Never Surrender

Never Give Up, Never Surrender

(A little Galaxy Quest reference 😀)

Proverbs 21:30-31

"There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan
that can succeed against the Lord.

The horse is made ready for the day of battle,
but victory rests with the Lord."

Work, work, work, work, work.... as Rihanna would say. Just when you think you have a handle on your work life, it finds a small chink in your armor to expose your weakness and devour your confidence and ethics. I find a lot of joy in my job and what I do as a heating and air conditioning manager, but, by golly, some days just get stressful and your plan of success for the day just goes straight out the window. I pride myself in being a happy, calm person; but when stress o'clock time comes around . . . all of a sudden I can turn into a very unpleasant human being. I am very thankful for the team around me who puts me in check and helps me out but then I read stuff like this verse in Proverbs and it carries me home.

This verse is a booster! It is at the very end of the chapter and sends you out with some serious confidence. I was thankful that it ended this way as well, due to the fact that throughout this chapter there are nagging wives and all of the things foolish, violent, wicked, etc. people do. Reading this verse reminds me that no matter what I do to help prepare for the battle of the day or the next obstacle in my life, I need to find my rest in the Lord. He has already won the world wide battle of sin and victory is found through Him, not what paperwork or HVAC jobs I get completed that day. I included verse 30 in this confidence booster for a Monday because, even if you try and doubt yourself and the pot holes that may be found in the road ahead; know that none of these things can succeed against the Lord.

Pray today to find, not only strength in the Lord for the start of your week, but thank Him for the victory that He has already blessed you with so that you can keep your chin up and eyes focused on Him.




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