
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
- Proverbs 22:6

Man. Proverbs 22 is chock full of incredible life lessons. I kind of feel bad taking this one because it's probably the most famous one of them all in this chapter, but it's just so dang good, I couldn't resist.

I am a product of this verse. I grew up in a home where my mom took my brother and into church and spent some time talking with us about God. My parents always taught us right from wrong, and all the other good life lessons.

Even though I walked away from the faith for a while as a young adult, I returned. And when I returned, I was a different man. I had a different kind of grasp on who God is. I had a different world view that was about God and bringing Him glory instead of myself.

To this day, I know it brings my mom great joy that I am not just a pastor, but a Christ follower.

Now, I am a dad of 3, and have one more on the way. Just kidding. But for a second, did you freak out? Yeah me too. Don't worry. We are sticking with 3.:)

Anyway, I'm a dad of 3, and I hang my hope on this proverb every day...and I blow it. Every. Day. But I find great comfort and hope in the truth of this verse.

The beauty of this verse is that "training up a child in the way they should go" does not mean that I have to be perfect. Oh my gosh, that would be impossible. I'm terrible!

What it means is to train my kids to not rely on their perfection, but to trust in Christ because of His perfection! Well, I can do that because I have to do that all the time!

I mean, what's better, that my kids never see their dad mess up, and try to live up to that? Or that my kids see dad mess up, and see him repent and trust Jesus for forgiveness and guidance?

It's modeling to them what Grace looks like. It's modeling to them what a relationship with the true and living God looks like. It's modeling to them that you don't rely on your perfection, but you trust in Christ's.

So training a child? Shoot I can do that all day long. And I know that God is good to fulfill his promise that No matter the mess they wind up in, He will bring them back to him.

Pray today for your children, and the children in our church. Pray that they "get it" at an early age and never depart. Thank Him for not crushing us under the weight of having to live up to perfection. And thank God for His faithfulness even when we blow it.

Love you guys more than you know.



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