Psalm 91

Psalm 91

“Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” (Psalm 91:14-16)

Where I work, we have a lot of teams of guys on different job sites. They tend to feel over whelmed because they try and try to make each problem better on their own. We try desperately to let each and every one of them know that they are part of a team that have managers that are excited to help them out with each problem. The employees that take advantage of this know their faults and understand that help is waiting for them and tend to have a better attitude on a day to day basis. The employees that don’t call or talk to us either end up not lasting long at the company or struggle day in and day out. 

This Psalm (as do many others) talks about taking refuge and resting in the love that is only found in our heavenly Father. God desires our hearts and desires us to understand that we need Him through everything. This isn’t for his own gain but because He loves us so much that if we were to love Him and need him through all of our day to day struggles and doubts we have an eternity of happiness awaiting us. I have been reading through a couple of stories with my kids during our devotional time that give great examples of this. One of these is found in Luke 7:36 where a sinful women comes to Jesus and pours perfume on his feet and washes them with her tears. In this story this women knows of her faults (sins) and know that she needs Jesus to be rescued to which Jesus opens his arms to her and forgives her and tells her to sin no more and that her faith has rescued her. I picked the end of this Psalm to touch on because it talks of those, who know his name, God will rescue him and honor him and be with him in trouble. That is where I want to be. 

I challenge you to examine yourself this week and know where you may fall short and lean into God’s love as it is there to catch you. We cannot live this life on our own and God sent his son to ensure that we don’t have to. 

Love you all. 



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