Athletic Stance

So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter. - 2 Thessalonians 2:15

One of the things I'm constantly teaching the kids on Leeland's baseball team is to always be in an athletic stance. It's the same athletic stance in virtually every sport. Feet a little more than shoulder width apart, knees bent, butt out. The reason that stance works for hitting, fielding, basketball defense, surfing, cornerbacks in football, hockey, MMA, you name it, is because sports are all about balance. If you are unbalanced, you aren't ready for whatever comes at you, and you won't be able to react. That means you probably won't hit the ball well, and that if the pitch is coming at you, you might not be able to get out of the're not ready.

I do this little test with the boys on the team, and I'll just push them while they are in their batting stance. If they don't move, then I know they were balanced. Of course, if they aren't balanced, they may get to eat some dirt.

Our life is no different. There are times when somebody is going to throw you a fastball, high and tight, and if you aren't balanced, you're gonna get plunked. Other times, it's a hanging curve ball just waiting to be mashed, but if you are off balance, you'll just pop it up to the catcher.

Paul is telling the Thessalonians to be ready. Stay plugged into God. Read and learn His word. Pray. Fellowship with other believers. Worship Him. Learn who He is and just how much He loves you. The importance of holding to "the traditions" cannot be overstated. It's what allows us to "stand firm"!

You know what I'm talking about. Things are going great, and then bam, somebody says something that hurts or makes you mad...a curve ball. For me, it's when I feel inferior to people around me. That's my struggle, and if I'm not ready and somebody says something that points out my inadequacy, I'm a little kid again that's just not quite good enough. They caught me off balanced.

On the other hand, there have been times in my life when I should knock it out of the park, and I swing and miss. Several times I can think of that I had an opportunity to share the Gospel with somebody, but got scared, or didn't even realize it until later. I wasn't ready. Off balanced.

Paul makes it a point to tell the church to stand firm and hold fast to the traditions. They both depend on one another. You won't be able to stand firm if you give up on the traditions, and you won't want to keep the traditions if you are not standing firm.

Church, life will constantly throw us curve balls. We need to be ready. Pray. Read. Worship. Fellowship. Share. Hold fast to those traditions, and you'll be ready. So get in that athletic stance. Feet a little more than shoulder width, knees bent, butt out. Stand Firm.

- Charlie


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