
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-19 ESV

If you have lived life long enough, and you haven't kept yourself hidden in a closet, you will most likely be able to think of a time where life was not very pleasant. A time, perhaps, that was what some might call a very dark or low period in your life. A time of struggle, pain, anger, heartache. Perhaps a time of loss. If you think hard enough you will remember something and if you can't, well, your day is coming. All through the Bible we have stories about how God's redemption comes through brokenness and pain, and it culminates with the greatest redemptive story of the cross. When I read the passage above I am reminded that this is what Christ did in the garden before he was crucified.

How do we rejoice always? How do we pray without ceasing? How do we give thanks in all circumstances? Impossible! ON OUR OWN. But when we "don't quench the Holy Spirit", and we trust God's promises, we can "do all things through Christ who strengthens us".

We have to start by surrendering our whole day to God, trusting that He will help us claim victory over every circumstance that comes our way. How do you do that? Prayer! Start every day off with prayer, reading God's word, and quiet. Pray without ceasing. Allow the Holy Spirit to mediate between you and God with all the stuff going on through out your day. The Holy Spirit hears our words stirring in our heart and brain before we even speak them and presents them to our Heavenly Father on our behalf. What a great friend to have! No wonder Paul said 'don't quench the Holy Spirit'!

If you make this spiritual discipline a part of your daily routine, I promise you that you will see how you can do the impossible.

- Jerry Stout


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