Work Work Work Work Work

9 Now concerning brotherly love you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another,
10 for that indeed is what you are doing to all the brothers throughout Macedonia. But we urge you, brothers, to do this more and more,
11 and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you,
12 so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.
- 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12

So this weekend I had an opportunity to do both of the things in this passage. Love my neighbor, and work without grumbling.

My neighbor across the street is an older lady named, Dee. We have been trying to be intentional with her for some time. I mean, we even have a paper plate with her name written on it. Well, she is super sweet and allowed somebody to have a garage sale at her house a couple of weeks ago. The sale was supposed to be a few items, but ended up taking up the front lawn, back lawn, and driveway. Pretty much an estate sale. That was fine with her. The thing that wasn't fine is that the guy took advantage of her hospitality.

The stuff, or junk as I would say, was still scattered all over her driveway for two weeks. The guy had left it there for her to deal with and when she asked him to take it, he called her selfish and other things that I can't write in a church blog.

What a punk! And other things I can't say in a church blog!

So, being intentional, I borrowed a truck and loaded up a bunch of stuff on Saturday and headed to the dump. Not gonna lie. I wasn't singing worship songs while loading the stuff, but I did find joy in loving my neighbor. She was so thankful for the help.

As I arrived at the dump, I noticed there were 25 trucks in front of me. I knew the line was long, but I was on borrowed time because the truck I was in wasn't mine. In other words, I couldn't just come back another time. I waited over an hour and a half just to get in and experience the joys of the dump, which I'm not gonna lie...I kinda like the actual dumping part.

The worst part about it is the truck I was driving has no stereo. Like none. Sure I could have just used my phone, but that was not an option in my mind. So I sat silence...for an hour and a the dump.

The problem was, I was already caught up on Facebook, Insta, Bleacher Report, and Buzzfeed. Then it hit me. You know, we have been seeing God's desire for us to be quiet and listen to Him over and over in scripture (Exodus 14:14, Joshua 6:10, 1 Thess. 4:11). Maybe I should use this time that is already carved out, at the dump, in silence to be with the Lord. So, I did. Well, as much as I could. The occasional breeze that wafted dump smell in my face was slightly distracting, but I did try. I used that time to read, pray, and study the Bible.

When I finally returned, Dee was so thankful. She was trying to pay me, and give me stuff. I just told her that's not necessary and said I was happy to help. I did my best to not talk poorly about what I had to do, or the guy/"other things I can't say in a church blog" that forced my hand to do it.

In all honesty, it was a joy. I knew she was stuck. She needed help. She needed someone to show her love, and work quietly for her. Her problems with this guy are not my business or my problem. However, I did tell her if she needs any help with him in any way, to let me know. I don't think he will be returning, though.

Josh and I have had this conversation before. It's amazing that our Lord and Savior, King Jesus, worked while he was on this earth. He was a carpenter, his disciples were fishermen and other common occupations, the Apostle Paul made tents.

*Tangent alert* I wonder if Jesus ever messed up a chair or a table? Or was everything he constructed perfect? Hmm. Idk. But I can assure you that if he did, he did it quietly, and gave glory to His Father for the opportunity to work. Whatever his reaction was, you could definitely put it in a church blog.

Work is part of what we are designed to do. Even in the Garden, Adam had to work. In the perfection of the Garden, before sin entered the world, work was there. It was a joy, but it was there.

Church, I want to encourage you this Monday. Work is a blessing from the Lord. Scripture has much to say about laziness, and none of it is good. Find joy in your work today. Look for opportunities to bless others. It's a good witness to the outside world when you work hard and keep your mouth shut. Believe me, I know the struggle is real, but we have an opportunity to shine Jesus to those that don't know him by how we handle ourselves in the workplace. Even when work feels like something you can't say in a church blog.

- Charlie


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