
We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing. - 2 Thessalonians 1:3

This verse made me think of all of you, my church family.  

When I read it my mind immediately thought... #goals. We all see people's posts of things they aspire to in their life. Often it is a bit sarcastic, but I think usually the heart of their desire is true. A picture of an amazing vacation destination... #goals. A gorgeously decorated living room...#goals. A guy or girl with a super fit body... #goals. And then the pictures that sort of directed this devotional; pictures of close friends doing something fun together, or being very authentic together, or just being silly together... #goals or #squadgoals. 

Paul is praising God for his friends in Christ, the church in Thessalonica, because they love each other so well. Church family, that's the #goal. Artificial, superficial, forced friendships are not what the church needs. In order to truly love each other, we need to KNOW each other. We need to get authentic, deep, and enjoy time together. The life of a Christ follower is tough because we each individually have chosen to become aliens to this world, and live a countercultural life of grace and love. We NEED each other to walk this road with, cry with, laugh with, and bear burdens with because it's hard. 

Let's pray FOR and WITH each other. Let's get real up in here!!! And that is also how unbelievers know that we are Christians- by our love for one another. #goals

So this is my prayer today for our church, and I ask that it be yours with me. Pray for us to lay down our walls and trust each other. Pray for us to enjoy each other deeply- so our friendships can become a desire in our hearts. Pray that all of our members would feel provided for and known. And lastly, pray that the lost would see our love for each other and think... #goals.  And when they decide to check it out for themselves that we would begin loving them well too. 

Love you all.  


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