
Today, we are starting a two week devotional series on the parables of Jesus. Buckle in for an awesome ride over these next two weeks!

[14] “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. [15] Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. [16] In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16 ESV)

I've always been fascinated with flashlights. I have a few antique ones, and have dreams of having a nice collection of flashlights at some point. I mean, they're awesome. Some of you reading this think I'm crazy right now, but others totally get it. The amount of light that some can put out is nuts! In India, the power went out one night, and I utilized my flashlight to light up an area that was about 2500 sq. ft. by shining my flashlight into the air. Sadly, I lost that flashlight. I'll never forget her. Last Christmas, my father-in-law bought me two flashlights for a gift...perhaps the best gift I've ever had. Flashlights are amazing.

The amazing thing about light is that darkness cannot overcome it. It can't. John 1:5 tells us that, but we know that's true. You know what I'm talking about. It's time to go to bed, so you turn off all the lights and what do you do? Walk blindly to the bed? Nope, you bust out that cell phone and light your path. And it's just the screen light usually. It's amazing what just a little light can do when it's darker. As a matter of fact, the darker it is, the brighter a little light shines. It's crazy. Agh. I love light!!!

In this parable, Jesus is telling his disciples, and us that we are the light of the world, that we will shine when it's dark. Jesus often refers to himself as the light, and in this passage he is bestowing that onto his disciples. What he's saying is, reflect me. Reflect me, church. If Jesus is the source of the light, all we want to do is be a mirror. Reflect his light.

And he says reflect it like a city on a hill, or a light in a house. Our faith should be big enough that people could see it miles away, and honest enough that those in our household know it's real. 

See, when people see that your faith is real, when they believe that you do the things you do because you love Jesus, it does something. I'm not sure exactly what, but people take notice. I've heard that so many times in our church lately...that somebody has asked one of you to pray for them, or asked you about your faith. It's because you are shining the love of Jesus! And you know what, someday, as you are shining Christ to people around you, they will give glory to God. They will.

Shine, church. Shine like you were meant to. Shine like Jesus calls you to. Shine like a SureFire E2D Defender Ultra 500 lumens flashlight on a dark country road. Don't hide. Be real. You were created to shine the one who gives the light.

Pray This:
Lord Jesus, You are good! Thank you for saving me. Thank you for making me new. Thank you for your faithfulness and goodness. Give me the boldness and humility to shine you to the world around me. I want to shine your glory, God. Give me your Spirit today, and work in and through me. Help me be intentional with my life so I can shine your life. In Jesus name, Amen.


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