Give It Up

This has happened several times in my life as a parent. I look at my children, and I think to myself, "They have not a worry in the world. Their whole life is planned out for them. Every day what they eat is planned for them. Where they sleep is planned for them. When they sleep is planned for them. Where they go is planned for them. What they watch on TV is planned for them. All of it. It's planned for them. Shoot. Most of us are really happy when our kids eat a lot and sleep a lot. Part of me is envious. These kids have a great life!! I mean, doesn't it sound amazing!!!

Then this weird thing happens when you become an adult. You start to plan your own life. You feel like you have some sense of control over things. At least until something catastrophic happens and things begin to unravel. I remember the feeling of powerlessness when Bridget's mom passed away, again when Phoebe was sick, and even in a smaller time like trying to find a job several years ago. It's a vulnerable place. I have asked myself several times, "Do you really believe God is working all things to good for those whom he has chosen?" At the end of the day, I do believe that, but it's really hard sometimes.

These 2 verses are just such a stark reminder that we are in control of very little...dare I say nothing.

1 Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you.
2 For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2

Did you catch that? God isn't going to tell us. He's not going to ask for our permission for Jesus to come back. He will come like a thief in the night. When I read that, I don't imagine a thief announces that he's coming. I imagine a thief coming quietly and when you don't expect it. I imagine a thief is not telling the home owner that he is coming on a certain day and at a certain time. Jesus himself even says that he doesn't know when he will return (Mk. 13:32).

So, what's the point?

The point is your control over your life is an illusion, a mirage. We think we have control, but the truth is, as most of us have experienced, people don't even know when their last breath will be. Yet, God is good. He is in control...and He wants you to give it up. He wants you to trust that. The one that created the heavens and the earth is in control. That's a beautiful and peaceful thing. And when I think about it that way, I begin to feel like a kid again, enjoying a life that is planned by the very author of it.

Today, ask God where he wants you to surrender control to Him. We are all holding onto things, and the more we give up, the better we will be at resting in God's will.

- Charlie


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