1 Corinthians 10

1 Corinthians 10

I grew up in a Pastor’s home, and growing up, kids thought that I was a perfect little angel and that nothing could ever phase me or that I would never do anything outside of the confines of perfect Godly nature. Well I sure proved them wrong with my own personal foul ups and my family has had its fair share of obstacles, which really spoke to me throughout the beginning of this chapter and how we need to keep our wits about us at all times. Now as a parent myself, I need to make sure that I draw from my own personal experiences and use myself as an example as I teach my kids as they grow up like Paul was teaching the Corinthians. 

The first part of this chapter is Paul talking to the church of Corinth about what has happened in the past and what to continually be aware of. Paul wants them to not be “unaware.” He refers to their fathers back in the Exodus who were among the cloud of God and ate the spiritual food and water in the wilderness, and experienced his power crossing the red sea. Paul explains to them that they probably had a closeness with God that none of us could ever fathom in terms of what they saw and personally experienced, and had all the reason in the world to only believe in Him, but there were still plenty of them that slipped away and God was displeased with. How could this be? Didn’t they see the waters part? And didn’t they see that food was provided every day without fail and that this all came from God? How could they stray away and worship that golden calf? How could they praise God one day and then wind up acting like hooligans the next day? “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.” Paul goes on to make sure they understand that their fathers were the example to lay forth the proper instruction for them now and for us today as this is our life struggle every week and we need to continually ask forgiveness of ourselves and for each other. 

With the second part of this chapter I am reminded of the sermon that Charlie just gave about leaving the 99 and seeking out the 1 (talking about sheep here). As we strive to do what is said in the second half of this chapter and bring glory to God in all that we do, we need to not look poorly on others that may not have the same beliefs as us and not push them away because of what they may not know what we know. Instead, put your neighbor first and think of how you might love that neighbor better by knowing the “laws” yourself and meeting that person where they are at, and, over time, developing relationships keeping the end goal in mind that you are working to gain/bring back the 1 to the 99. 

 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Give no offense to Jews or to Greeks or to the church of God, just as I try to please everyone in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved.



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