1 Corinthians 11:1-3

1 Corinthians 11:1-3
Imitate me, as I also imitate Christ. 
Now I praise you because you remember me in everything and hold fast to the traditions just as I delivered them to you. But I want you to know that Christ is the head of the every man, and the man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of Christ. 

This chapter for me was clearly outlining out roles as Christians. Men are the head of the Woman, not to say women are inferior. But men have a specific role in the home, leader, provider example to his family on how to love and honor God. If you do not have a strong male role model growing up, how is a young boy to see how to treat a women with love and respect. And how is a young girl to know what they deserve from their future husband if their father does not treat their mother or them with respect and love. A lot of our influence in life comes from our parents. I did not have parents who were believers growing up. I was exposed to a lot of fighting, name calling, disrespect, broken trust. My experience was a mother who had four kids, and a father who drank, and would not help her with a lot. The result is a mother who did everything for us herself. She was father and mother, and somehow supposed to stay sane. I knew I did not want that type of relationship with my future husband at the time. My husband and I try to work together through issues, we don’t call each other names, we never have, we show each other respect, and we trust each other. Being able to trust my husband completely took some time. Not from his actions, but resulting from my past. I was used to being disappointed, and not being able to believe my dads apologies, promises, or rely on him to follow through. Having a husband that loves Jesus is a huge blessing. He is an amazing example of a Christ loving man. He is not perfect, none of us are. I look forward to having kids and being able to teach them about Jesus with my husband. Making God a priority always, and raising them in a healthy home. On the other hand, women have an important role as well. To me, women are the nurturers, supporters, prayer warriors, and also an example on how to love, and honor God. 


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