We Got To Pray, Just To Make It Today.

“You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.”
(‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭1:11‬ ‭ESV‬‬)

I guess in reading this what really stands out to me is what Paul says about prayer. Paul is really good about teaching about Jesus. Paul is really good about teaching from a standpoint of warning. Paul is good at explaining the affliction and suffering that he and his people have experienced. Paul is really good at explaining what he’s done (via the Spirit and in the name of Christ) for the people in the various areas and churches that he’s encountered.

This verse is a great illustration of Paul explaining to the church in Corinth what they could do for him and Timothy amidst their most recent persecution. He asked them to pray. This might seem like a simple, obvious request but it’s pretty profound. I say that because praying for people is profound in a multitude of ways. Here are five dope reasons why praying for your brothers and sisters is muy beneficial: 

1. Praying for your brothers and sisters takes the focus off you. I don’t know about you, but I tend to pray very egocentrically. It often times tends to make me more anxious. I usually find a sense of freedom and release by praying for others.

2. Praying for your brothers and sisters joins you in their experience. Prayer is a proactive way to tangibly, “do life” with your brothers and sisters without being directly next to them. Prayer is a wireless love. 

3. Prayer is free. OK, prayer is not free... it’s going to cost you some time. So often we look for practical ways that we can take care of our brothers and sisters, and not that we shouldn’t do that; but sometimes we’re not in a position to be able to provide for practical needs, or in a monetary fashion, but we all have ability to pray. 

4. Prayer works. With faith the size of a mustard seed we are told in God‘s Word that we can move mountains. Within our own congregation I’ve seen prayer  create healing, bring finances, provide clarity direction and wisdom, repair marriages, restore people to the Lord, and provoke people to take their relationship with God deeper.

5. Prayer is loving. Once I get over the initial pride fueled feeling that I am, “sucking at life” (which is the reason I even need prayer) I usually feel very loved, taken care of, and a part of community when people let me know that they are praying for me. 

My challenge for me, for you is to pray for folks in our church. You don’t have to pray for everyone. Given the size of our church you probably could if you were willing to dedicate enough time. I’m asking you to think of two to three people that might be suffering affliction. The second thing I’m asking is if you’re willing to dedicate five minutes of your day to pray for these people. Lastly, are you willing to let these people know that you’re going to be praying for them and ask them if they’re willing to share any breakthroughs that they might be having. 

At our elder meeting on Tuesday morning we decided to dedicate five to ten minutes to pray for people in our congregation. Almost 30 minutes later we were STILL praying for the folks in our church. It was an amazing and heartbreaking time in which we ended up wishing that we had more time to pray. 

Its an amazing thing that happens intrinsically, physically and mentally as we begin to intercede for our brothers and sisters and let them do the same for us. I am thankful for Paul’s request to the Corinthian church and the example it provides for us all. 



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