God Must Be Asleep

God Must Be Asleep

8 You have caused my companions to shun me; you have made me a horror to them. I am shut in so that I cannot escape;
9 my eye grows dim through sorrow. Every day I call upon you, O LORD; I spread out my hands to you.  - Psalm 88:8-9

Bridget and I celebrated our 13th anniversary on Monday. It was awesome. There was a moment when we just reflected on how much God has done in the last 13 years. It was really cool to think about. We honestly both confessed our love and realized that we really love each other now more than ever. We are quite fortunate that God has been so faithful. It wasn't always so romantic though.

When we were dating, I remember several times being on the phone just chatting away, and then I'd ask a question and receive no reply. Guess what happened? She had fallen asleep!! Yep! I know what you're thinking, "But Charlie, How could anybody fall asleep when you talk?!" 😜I don't know! But it would happen.

I would get frustrated and honestly didn't know what to do. I would try and wake her, but that usually didn't work and I'd just have to hang up.

This Psalm you can see the psalmist begging God to act. He feels abandoned, like God fell asleep on the phone. He is in despair and desperately needs God, but doesn't hear, feel, or see God anywhere. Worse yet, he is proclaiming that God is the cause for his issues. He's in a dark place, man.

What I love about this Psalm is that even when he's in a dark place, he's crying out to God. It says "every day I call upon you". He isn't letting his despair drive him away from the Father, but to the Father. Even when God is seemingly distant, the psalmist cries out for him.

What is so beautiful about that is that God isn't any nearer or further at different times. He promises us that He will never leave us or forsake us. We actually have a huge benefit living on this side of the cross.

See, for us, when Jesus died, he gave us each access to a relationship with the Father through believing in Jesus. One of the promises Jesus makes over and over is that He will always be with us (Matt. 28:20). Even when we are fearful or in trouble. Even when we are grieving or confused, we can always come to the cross. Jesus desires that from us.

I want to ask you this morning, are you in a place of desperation for God? Does he seem near to you? Maybe it's been a while since You've been intimate with God, and you need to cry out to Him.

I promise you God isn't asleep on the other line. He isn't far from you. He is t waiting on you to say the right thing, or yell to wake him up. Just keep pursuing Him. He is there, and he is with you. He might be trying to teach you something, but He's there. He promises that. Just don't hang up that phone because you're frustrated. Rather, keep praying. And keep listening for a response.

With much love,



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