Psalm 72

Psalm 72 
Please take a minute to read psalm 72 in its entirety. 

This psalm is written by Solomon in reference to God's covenant promise made to David. Solomon is talking about himself in this scripture and the hopes he has to fulfill his reign. He started off well but unfortunately ended in a mess as most people do because of sin. But if we look at it in a way of foreshadowing the promise of the perfect king then it becomes a psalm of great praise! 
 Jesus is the king who will "see the nations bowing down to him". He is the king who fulfilled the  the words of Solomon's prayer. 
    "May his name endure forever, 
      his fame continue as long as the sun! 
     May people be blessed in him, 
      all nations call him blessed!" 
Jesus name has endured and it will continue to endure until the end of time. And in His name there is great power and blessing. This psalm is a great reminder to us that even though we may not succeed in the ways we hoped Jesus is still there and he is picking us up where we fall. He is the perfect king who takes us as we are. 

"Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, 
who alone does wondrous things. 
Blessed be his glorious name forever;
 may the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen and amen!" 


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