Psalm 78

Typically for my devotionals, I choose a few verses, grab a life lesson or Gospel moment and there it is, bada-bing. Today is a bit different. Today you really need to read the whole Bible. Ok, since that's not going to happen in the next 5 minutes, you should read Psalm 78.

Psalm 78 paints a picture of the redemptive historical narrative that is threaded all throughout scripture. I want to focus on one aspect of that narrative in particular. God's goodness.

So here's the Bible in a nutshell:
God created and made everything perfect and loved humanity so much that He gave them authority over everything. Adam and Eve thought they knew better and disobeyed God, though driving a wedge between us and God.
Now, imagine God began building relationships with humans, calling them back to Him and relationship with Him, but they continued to rebel and choose their own way.
Imagine God still loved them and made a way to establish them as a people that He would love, and yet they still rebelled against Him.
Imagine God gave guidelines and rules to protect humanity and keep His people out of trouble, but people kept worshiping other things and choosing other fake Gods to love.
Imagine God protected His people from all sorts of calamities to help establish them as a nation, and they still didn't want to follow Him.
Imagine God set them up as a nation, and gave them a good king that they wanted, but they still chased after other gods and greener grass.
Imagine God sent specific men to come and tell people to return to Him, or things would get really bad, and the people hated those men and disobeyed them.
Finally, in something that the people couldn't screw up, God sent His only son to die on the cross for the sin of all the humanity before and after Him. For anybody that would believe in Him for
Salvation, would inherit eternal life and relationship with God. Imagine that.
Imagine God's goodness.
Imagine His continual pursuit of you.
When people ask they question, "How could God choose to save only some people, and not everyone?" I feel like the better question  is, "How could He choose to even save one of us, with how rebellious we are?"
I am so thankful for God's goodness. His love is so triumphant and His grace so big that we could never earn it, and that's a good thing because if history shows anything, we would surely mess that up.

Rest in the fact that God's narrative is one of goodness and love for you despite knowing the depths of your heart. Let that lead you to repentance, worship and obedience today. He loves you. You're free to love Him!

- Charlie


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