A Word About A Word
His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire."
- Matthew 3:12
There's a lot in a word. Sometimes one word can change everything. As somebody who communicates publicly, I have learned this lesson the hard way several times. You can build or destroy with a word.
In this passage, there's a word that sticks out like a sore thumb. In this one sentence it says the word he or his 6 times. That's one out of every 5 words in this verse. Something important about that, huh?
Just imagine for a second if that was a different word. Perhaps, you. It changes everything, doesn't it? All of a sudden, you're in charge. You decide who is saved. Perhaps worse, you decide who isn't.
Yesterday, Bridget talked about having assumed faith for yourself. The problem is that can lead to assuming if others have faith as well. Here's the beauty of this verse, it ain't your job. It ain't my job. It's the job of the "he" in this verse. It's the job of Jesus.
Church, let this verse be an encouragement that you don't have to be the "he". Let that free you up into loving people where they are at, and trusting God with the results.
Praying for you today.
- Matthew 3:12
There's a lot in a word. Sometimes one word can change everything. As somebody who communicates publicly, I have learned this lesson the hard way several times. You can build or destroy with a word.
In this passage, there's a word that sticks out like a sore thumb. In this one sentence it says the word he or his 6 times. That's one out of every 5 words in this verse. Something important about that, huh?
Just imagine for a second if that was a different word. Perhaps, you. It changes everything, doesn't it? All of a sudden, you're in charge. You decide who is saved. Perhaps worse, you decide who isn't.
Yesterday, Bridget talked about having assumed faith for yourself. The problem is that can lead to assuming if others have faith as well. Here's the beauty of this verse, it ain't your job. It ain't my job. It's the job of the "he" in this verse. It's the job of Jesus.
Church, let this verse be an encouragement that you don't have to be the "he". Let that free you up into loving people where they are at, and trusting God with the results.
Praying for you today.
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