Continually Filled

Blessed are those who are "Poor in Spirit"...that's an interesting statement isn't it. If you ask what that statement means to a group of people, especially if they aren't believers, you will get a wide mix of responses with a lot of them pointing toward what the world view might be of being poor financially. Some might say that in order to be blessed you should give up your worldly wealth...needles to say there are lots of view points on this.
When I read this verse, I look at it and realize that it makes perfect sense when you include the latter half...what I believe is the most important part...."for theirs is the kingdom of heaven". That's salvation!
Think of it this way, you have two containers inside you. One is the place where everything about you is stored...things like your abilities, talents, achievements, successes, failures, weaknesses, sins.
The other container is filled with everything about God. His love is so immense that it pretty much fills the container. At the very top of that container is salvation. Yes, the sacrifice of Jesus, Gods one and only son for us...because He loves us! Gods container is ready to overflow and there's a container right next it. Yes thats the "all about us container" . It's only when we realize that we are nothing without God, that our "us container gets emptied and it gets filled back up with the contents of Gods container...yes love, grace, mercy and best of all, salvation! I pray that all of us would be willing to humble ourselves and recognize that our "us containers" needs to emptied at the foot of the cross so it can be filled again by God.

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