I Am Not A Robot

This past weekend a few of us attended the How We Love conference. There we learned about "love styles". What are love styles? "Your childhood relational experiences are wired into your behaviors and beliefs, creating imprints called “love styles.”"

Your Love Style could be one or more of the following, avoider, pleaser, vacillator, controller, victim or secure connector.

Me?  I'm an avoider.  I won’t get into all the details, but one thing an avoider does is avoid their feelings.  I’m usually pretty relaxed, nothing really bothers me, I get over things quickly.

In fact, sometimes when I have Grace proofread my devotionals she’ll say, “It’s good! But it’s all head knowledge and not from the heart.”.  I guess I’m realizing the disconnect, and that well, I’m not in touch with my feelings.  And if I’m not in touch with my own feelings, I probably won’t be able to empathize with other people’s feelings Which is kind of a problem.

So, that brings me to this verse.  Blessed are those who mourn. Or you could say, blessed are those who feel grief or sorrow.  Now contrary to what some people may believe, I’m not a robot and I do have feelings! And I always found this verse difficult to grasp or relate to. Blessed by feeling sad? I didn’t quite get it. 

 But when I think about the conference and this verse, it really starts to make sense.  If I’m not feeling anything, I have no need for comfort.  That’s not to say I’m not uncomfortable, it means I am numb and Jesus did not say that Blessed are the numb. I’m realizing how important it is to mourn. To mourn those, we lost, to mourn our short-comings.  But to mourn in such a way that we seek Gods comfort, and not to be pitied by others. 

I ask the Lord to soften our hearts. To not be numb, but to be aware of our sin, be aware of the needs of the less fortunate.  I pray that we allow ourselves to mourn and to be comforted by our loving Father



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