When Poor Doesn't Feel "Blessed"

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3, ESV

“You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope…” (MSG)

That second translation...if that doesn’t sound like an oxymoron, I don’t know what does. The last thing I feel when I’m at the end of my rope is blessed.

When I’m in conflict with my husband...I don’t feel blessed.

When I’m overwhelmed at work and stretched so thin I’m not doing anything all that well...I don’t feel blessed.

When I struggle-and lose-against that battle of sin that I just can’t seem to conquer...I don’t feel blessed.

When a prayer of deep desire goes unanswered (the way I want it to be) again...I don’t feel blessed.

And honestly, when all those circumstances collide and I refuse to bring them to God, I’m not blessed.

The blessing comes when I dump all that at His feet, messy and complicated and unresolved. The blessing comes when I finally, finally ask for His help, give up the burdens I’m not meant to carry, and ask for the faith to trust His will and His timing. The blessing comes when I am willing to admit I’m a mess-again-and cannot do this life on my own. That I need Him.

There. There is the blessing. There is the place where God begins to work in us and for us.

God’s kingdom is so upside down. It’s beautiful. In His kingdom, last is first, first is last, rich is poor, and poor is blessed. It doesn’t always make sense to us, but are we willing to trust that He knows what He’s talking about? Are we willing to take Him at His word and believe that He wants to take our mess and replace it with His kingdom?

I pray that we are. Give Him your mess, let Him work in you, and be blessed.


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